Kyle's Room - The place to come for all the news that's fit to print. Which is pretty much everything when you're only a couple days/weeks/months old.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The New Year Is Here

 2013 is off to a fast start!  We had a great Christmas and New Year.  The boy were lucky as Santa brought lots of Power Rangers stuff and plenty of other toys and books to stay busy for a few days.  It's funny how fast the novelty of new stuff wears off.  Kyle has been very busy.  He was student of the month for January, started his first season of wrestling and is also doing soccer on Saturdays.  Kyle has shown a very good attention span at wrestling, he's still pretty unfocused in soccer.  There's always something to work on.  Nathan and Elliot are doing fine.  Nathan is really embracing the role of the chief instigator and Elliot is learning more and more words every day.  Nathan and Elliot are best buds and really feed off of each other, only in a good way of course.  Elliot has been getting louder and louder each day too, hopefully he is well into his terrible two's so that by the time he's actually two years old the harsh behavior will be far behind, we'll see how that goes!

Here are some pics from the last couple of months.  These cover Christmas 2012 through February 2013. 


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