Kyle's Room - The place to come for all the news that's fit to print. Which is pretty much everything when you're only a couple days/weeks/months old.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hey Everybody, I'm Three!!!

So another big milestone for Kyle.  We celebrated his 3rd birthday last week.  He's really getting to be a big guy.  He's helping with everything that he can - his favorite jobs lately have been holding the dust pan for Mom and throwing rocks from the garden down in the creek.  He has helped plant the gareden over the last 2 days.  In fact, he planted every single potato that went into the ground.  So in other words, he's being a typical little boy.  Kyle had a big party for his family this weekend.  It was the first big fry-out of the year.  Burgers, brats and hotdogs.  Kyle is eating really well, has been for about 2 months.  He ate a big birthday lunch of hotdog and fruit.  He also had some great presents.  New books, games, 2 different baseball bats & balls and a new Batman fishing rod. What more could a little guy want?Of course it wouldn't be a great birthday party without a big Thomas the Train cake.  This cake didn't last too long.  Kenny had to help Kyle blow out all three candles. Pretty big job, and it's only going to get worse!  Kyle even requested an encore from Mom and Dad the day after the party for the last piece of cake.  We had to get out a candle and everything.  So I think that Kyle blew out at least one candle on a cupcake or piece of cake no less than 4 times.  What a lucky kid.Here's Grandpa Larry helping Kyle's cousin Carly with some cake.  This was quite the sight!
Here is a picture of Kyle in the tulip patch in front of the house on his birthday.  What a big boy!
Here's a quick video of Kyle ringing in his third birthday...


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