Kyle's Room - The place to come for all the news that's fit to print. Which is pretty much everything when you're only a couple days/weeks/months old.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Getting in the groove at the 2 month mark

We're definitely getting in the groove around here. Kyle (examining his huge bicep muscle above) has been doing very well lately, he's growing like oats. He's gotten long enough that he just barely fits in his newborn clothes. We either have to move up a size or start cutting the feet off of his jammies. He's currently right around 12 lbs and he is eating very well. He had a new milestone this week as he slept solidly through the night once and pretty much made it one other night. This is great but he has been sleeping pretty well, waking only once or twice during the night and then going right back to sleep.

We had a neuroligical follow up visit last week which went very well. The doctor (with an undergrad from UW-Eau Claire and his doctorate from UW-Madison) was very pleased with Kyle's progress and development. He thinks that Kyle is right on track and has a low likelihood having any long term issues due to his birth complications. This was good news but we will get the best understanding at his six month check up - this is because Kyle doesn't do a whole bunch of things yet and should be much more active at 6 months. Kyle will remain on his anti-seizure medication until we get a few more tests and also a few more check-ups.

Mom is doing very well. She started running 2 weeks ago and is getting back at it. She is doing great.

We had a great 4th of July weekend. We had several parties with some of our friends and also went out for a great breakfast with friends on one day as well over in Snohomish. The weather was nice all weekend and the fireworks were great over Lake Goodwin as viewed from the deck at Doug & Christine's house.

Our other big news is that we just bought a camping trailer. We bought a used trailer and we're in the process of getting it spruced up and ready to roll. Dad is working lots this month and we want to be ready to hit the road in August. To ensure that Kyle get's in the right state of mind to camp in a trailer, I've been trying to expose him to plenty of NASCAR and Budweiser (note the hat from Uncle Craig). The soiled Bud hat is actually 1 for 1 in good luck in poker tournies so I'm going to be wearing it alot from here on out.

That's about it for now, just a few recent pics of our big boy.


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