Kyle's Room - The place to come for all the news that's fit to print. Which is pretty much everything when you're only a couple days/weeks/months old.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall Has Arrived

Kyle is doing well, seems like his appetite is starting to build a little bit. He does best when he can feed himself, which is fine with us. His walking is getting fine tuned so his swath of destruction has now spread throughout the entire house/garage/yard. He can't be stopped, only contained!!!

The leaves have all fallen here at home. Mom has been busy keeping after the yard and getting ready for the quickly arriving winter. The grass is still pretty green and lush now that the heat has gone away, but from the look in the woods there is no question what season is upon us.

Kyle is walking really well. He's mastered most of the undulations in the yard (except when he fell and rolled down the hill tonight, luckily the big pile of rough hewn stones lining the trees in the front yard stopped him from getting too far away). His favorite outside game tonight was to spear leaves with a stick and then walk from point to point in the yard. It's a big world out there for such a little guy!

That's about it for now, all is well. Hopefully we can all get settled in for the fall season and have a relaxing end of the year here.

Raking leaves with Grandpa.

Playing with leaves after his hard work.

Relaxing in the big chair.

Little pumpkin for trick or treating.